Layer name | in english | Updated | Description |
Ajantasa-asemakaava, musta | Detail plan, black | Weekly | The weekly updated detail describes teh valid detail plan orders. The map is black and white. The graphic precision is according the original layout and is suitable for presentation in scales 1:1000 to 1:4000. |
Ajantasa-asemakaava, värillinen | Detail plan, colored | Weekly | The weekly updated detail plan describes the valid detail plan orders. The map is colored. The graphic layer is suitable for presentation in scales 1:1000 to 1:4000. |
Geoenergiakartta | Geothermal energy map of Espoo | Geothermal energy map illustrates suitability of soil and bedrock for geothermal energy production. | |
Maankäyttökartta | Land use map | Weekly | The weekly updated land-use map describes the land use according to the detail plans. The map is colored. The graphic layer is suitable for presentation in scales 1:1000 to 1:4000. |
Kaupungin maanomistus | Land ownership map | Weekly | The weekly updated land ownership map describes properties which are owned by City Of Espoo. The map is colored. |
KantakartanMaastotiedot | Weekly | ||
Karsittu kantakartta, harmaa | Weekly | ||
Karttayhdistelmä | Weekly | Map combination features Espoo's Base map, Address map and Guide map | |
Kartta 1958 | Map 1958 | - | Georeferenced printed map. 1:20 000. The map is based on aerial photographs from 1956 . |
Krysp: Kiinteistötiedot | Weekly | ||
Krysp: Liikenne | Weekly | ||
Krysp: Liikenneverkko | Weekly | ||
Krysp: Osoite | Weekly | ||
Krysp: Rakennukset | Buildings | Weekly | The weekly updated accurate building layer. The area of the building's main purpose is filled with gray color. Shows also the balcons. The recommended scale is 1: 1000-1:10000. |
Krysp: Tonttijako | Weekly | ||
Krysp Vesistöt | Waters | Weekly | The weekly updated accurate water areas in light blue. Together with wide streams and ditches. Pier structures are visible. The recommended scale is 1:1000-1:10000. |
Opaskartta | Guide Map | Weekly | The weekly updated colored Guide map is a fairly generalized layer for guiding people to a certain address. Use Scale 1: 20 000. The map also includes the Kauniainen area. The interface has a colored guide map. |
Opaskartta 1976 | Guide Map 1976 | - | Georeferenced printed map. 1:20 000. |
Opaskartta 1973 | Guide Map 1973 | - | Georeferenced printed map. 1:20 000. |
Ortokartta 2001 | Ortho Map 2001 | 2005 | Ortho photo from summer 2001, film camera shot, pictures scanned |
Ortokartta 2005 | Ortho Map 2005 | 2005 | Ortho photo from summer 2005, 25cm pixel size, film camera shot, pictures scanned |
Ortokartta 2007 | Ortho Map 2007 | 2007 | Ortho photo from summer 2007, 25cm pixel size, film camera shot, pictures scanned |
Ortokartta 2009 | Ortho Map 2009 | 2009 | Ortho photo from summer 2009, 25cm pixel size, film camera image, scanned images |
Ortokartta 2011 | Ortho Map 2011 | 2011 | Ortho photo from summer summer 2011, 20cm pixel size, digital image |
Ortokartta 2013 | Ortho Map 2013 | 2013 | Ortho photo from summer summer 2013, 20cm pixel size, digital image |
Ortokartta 2015 | Ortho Map 2015 | 2015 | Ortho photo from summer 2015, 20cm pixel size, digital image |
Ortokartta 2017 | Ortho Map 2017 | 2017 | Ortho photo from summer 2017, 20cm pixel size, digital image |
Ortokartta 2019 | Ortho Map 2019 | 2019 | Ortho photo from summer 2019, 20cm pixel size, digital image |
Ortokartta 2021 | Ortho Map 2021 | 2021 | Ortho photo from summer 2021, 30cm pixel size, digital image |
Ortokartta 2023 | Ortho Map 2023 | 2023 | Ortho photo from summer 2023, 30cm pixel size, digital image |
Ortokartta | Ortho Map | 2024 | Ortho photo from summer 2024, 30cm pixel size, digital image |
HSL-alueen ortokartta 2021 | HSY area Ortho Map | 2021 | HSY area ortho photo from summer 2021, 40cm pixel size, digital image |
Osoitekartta | Address Map | Weekly | The weekly updated Address Map is an accurate Topographic Map with real estate borders. It shows the addresses, real estates, buildings, waters and hills. It is well suited for many uses. The recommended scale is 1:4000 to 1:5000. |
Osoitekarttapohja | Address Map Base | Weekly | The weekly updated Address Map Base is an accurate Topographic Map without real estate borders. It shows the addresses, buildings, waters and topography. It is well suited for many uses. The recommended scale is 1:4000 to 1:5000. |
Osoitekarttayhdistelmä | Address Map Combination | Weekly | The weekly updated combination of the address map and the guide map. |
PKS-kiinteistökartta | Property Map | Weekly | Weekly updated in the area of Espoo. |
Data resource (Simple feature) | In english | Updated | Description |
GIS:ArvokkaatLuontokohteet | Valuable nature attractions | ||
GIS:Asemakaavat | Detail plans | Weekly | The weekly updated Index Map of detail plans in a simple format that can be opened with several GIS programs. |
GIS:AuratKartalla | 2 hours | ||
GIS:Autoliikennemäärät | Traffic volumes: vehicles | When changes | Vehicle traffic volumes |
GIS:Ekologinen verkosto Maakunnallisesti tärkeät yhteysalueet | Ecological network | When changes | |
GIS:Ekologinen verkosto Maakunnalliset katkoskohdat | Ecological network | When changes | |
GIS:Ekologinen verkosto Paikallisesti tärkeät yhteyskohdat | Ecological network | When changes | |
GIS:Ekologinen verkosto Kehitettävät yhteydet | Ecological network | When changes | |
GIS:Ekologinen verkosto Metsäverkosto | Ecological network | When changes | |
GIS:Geologiset_kohteet | Geological objects | ||
GIS:InfEquipment | Infra Equipment | Weekly | Equipments in park and street areas |
GIS:InfPark | Park areas | Weekly | Park areas |
GIS:InfStreet | Streets | Weekly | Street areas |
GIS:InfVegetation | Vegetation | Weekly | Vegetation objects |
GIS:Jalankulun ja pyöräilyn liikennelaskurit | Pedestrian and bicycle traffic counters | Daily | Pedestrian and bicycle traffic counters |
GIS:Jalankulun laskentatulokset | Traffic volumes: pedestrians | When changes | Pedestrian traffic volumes |
GIS:Maankayttöalueet | Land use areas | Weekly | Updated in a simple format that can be opened with several GIS programs. The attributes of each item include the code ID and the name of land use type. |
GIS:Kaukasianjattiputket | Caucasian cow parsnips. | When changes | Polygon geometry in a simple format that can be opened with several GIS programs. |
GIS:Kaupunginosat | City districts | Annually | Areas are updated annually in a simple format that can be opened with several GIS programs. Areas are digitized with the accuracy of the Guide map and are suitable for presentation on the Guide map. |
GIS:Keskilinjat | Center lines of streets | Weekly | Center lines of streets |
GIS:Kiinteistot_karsittu | Weekly | Real property units in a simple format that can be opened with several GIS software. | |
GIS:Korttelit | Blocks | Weekly | |
GIS:Kotikalliot_alueet | Areas of outdoor attractions | When changes | Areas of outdoor attractions are suitable for display on the address map base. |
GIS:Kotikalliot_luontopolut | Nature trails | When changes | Nature trails are suitable to display on the address map base. |
GIS:Kotikalliot_pisteet | Points of outdoor attractions | When changes | Points are suitable for to display on the address map base. |
GIS:Liikennevaloristeykset | Traffic light crossroads | Weekly | Traffic light crossroads in point objects. Simple format that can be opened with several GIS softwares. |
GIS:Luonnonmuistomerkit | When changes | ||
GIS:Luontoselvitysten aluerajaukset | Nature study boundaries | Weekly | Nature study boundaries. Material is incomplete and does not contain all boundaries of all nature studies. |
GIS:LuonnonsuojelunToimenpideohjelma | Nature reserve action programs | ||
GIS:Norot | |||
GIS:Opasteviitat | Guide signs | Weekly | |
GIS:Oppilaaksiottoalueet_ruotsinkielinen | Swedish school admission areas | Weekly | |
GIS:Oppilaaksiottoalueet_ruotsinkielinen | Finnish school admission areas | Weekly | |
GIS:Osoitteet | Addresses | Weekly | |
GIS:PEMMA_alueet | |||
GIS:Perinneymparistot | Traditional environments | ||
GIS:Pohjavesialueet | Groundwater areas | ||
GIS:Postinumeroalueet | Postal code districts | Annually | Postal code districts in a simple format that you can open with several GIS programs. |
GIS:Potentiaaliset happamat sulfaattimaat | |||
GIS:Pyöräilykartta | Cycling routes | Weekly | Cycling map of Espoo. |
GIS:Pyöräilyn laskentatulokset | Traffic volumes: bicycles | When changes | Bicycle traffic volumes |
GIS:Rakennukset | Buildings | Weekly | Buildings weekly updated accurate buildings in a simple format that can be opened with with several GIS programs. |
GIS:Tilastoalueet | Statistical areas | Statistical areas of Espoo in a simple format that can be opened with with several GIS programs. | |
GIS:TerveysasemienPalvelualueet | Health station areas | Weekly | |
GIS:Uhanalaiset_luontotyypit | |||
GIS:Vesialueet | The waters | Weekly | Polygon geometry in a simple format that can be opened with with several GIS programs. |
GIS:Vesialueet_viivat | The waters | Weekly | Line geometry in a simple format that can be opened with with several GIS programs. |
GIS:Vieraslajikartta | Invasive species | When changes | Polygon geometry in a simple format that can be opened with with several GIS programs. |
GIS:Virtavesien_luonnontilaisuus | When changes | Geometry in a simple format that can be opened with with several GIS programs. |
Dataset (CityGML) | Description | |
Espoo CityGML* | Detailed information is available at: |
Read more (in finnish) Espoon rajapintapalveluista.
Espoo 3D city model
Service description (in finnish) tekninen kuvaus.